
Wednesday 12 December 2012


This patchwork challenge has taken off more than we could have imagined so before I go any further, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the project in any way. Contributions to the blog, follows and retweets on twitter, interaction on facebook and Birdforum have all helped make this into something much bigger than we could have made it by ourselves, so, from both Ryan and Mark, a glass is raised to you all...

So what has it become?

Well, obviously it is early days but the numbers look good. Today we passed 7,500 pageviews on the blog (not bad for two weeks...) and 247 followers on twitter - which is so near to 250 that I'm sure you'll let it slide!

The most important number though is the number of patches...and today we passed the 100 mark! This is at least 3 times as many as I thought we would get...

So, thanks for all the interest, and please, keep the blogposts coming! It makes the blog a much more interesting place to be and if you dont, there's gonna be an awful lot about Girdle ness on here....

One contribution that deserves a special mention today is from Marek Walford, who kindly took the time to resolve our scoring spreadsheets temperamental attitude towards apostrophes! if you want to download the new one you can get it here:

Awesome stuff, thanks Marek!

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