
Sunday 26 June 2016

Coastal North Minileague - May 2016

A further 14% this month keeps Ash Baines top of the Coastal North minileague and the only person pushing the 100% mark. His highlights this month were a Spoonbill, Whinchat and 13 Black Terns. Pete Marsh stays in second place in the comparative minileague despite no submission for May. Iain Robson has had an awesome month adding 19% and climbing from 9th to 3rd place. Despite no bonus points he did add Broad-billed Sandpiper, Glossy Ibis and Great White Egret. 

#patchgold Nuthatch - Andy Hood

Mick Turton puts down a marker this month by stretching his lead from 6 points to 35 points. There were three species that he didnt add in 2015 with Thrush Nightingale, Blue-headed Wagtail and Montagu's Harrier welcome additions. Mick also scored bonus points for a trio of Common Cranes coasting south. Ross Ahmed holds on to second place with Grey-headed Wagtail, Pec Sand and Garganey new this month. Andy Hood manages to take his Flamborough patch above Nick Addey's at Long Nab as local tensions ratchet up. Andy managed Surf Scoter, Hoopoe, Glaucous Gull and #patchgold Nuthatch which breeds no closer than 20 miles away in the North Yorkshire moors.

Red-breasted Flycatcher - Paul French
This springs rarities avoided being found by the patchers but there was a good selection of decent birds and finds with a Bluethroat for Damian Money at Saltburn, 2 Glossy Ibis heading south at Whitburn for Mark Harper, Red-breasted Flycatcher at Spurn for Paul French and a Red-backed Shrike for Nick Addey at Long Nab. Paul French also caught up with Common Rosefinch and Red-backed Shrike at Spurn whilst other notable birds included a non-assigned Subalpine Warbler for Jane Turner and a Citrine Wagtail for Alan Crossley at North Gare.

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