
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Inland Ireland Minileague - July 2016

July was another quiet month for the Inland Ireland Minileague with no change on the comparative table but on the points table we see some of the new contestants busy plugging away and adding well to their first year scores.

In third place on the points table, Christian Osthoff added flyover Curlew (a classic July species) and Kingfisher on the river at Carrigmore Co. Wicklow, bringing him up to his target of 70 species for the year. 

Ian Stevenson gets in with a June update this month which was a very productive time for him along the Grand Canal Way with Cuckoo, Yellowhammer and Kingfisher added. All fine species to see on the outskirts of the capital. 

Julian Wyllie updates his score from Skibbereen in West Cork which results in a tie in tenth place with Des Higgins at University College Dublin, both on 56 species and 59 points.

The first site breeding record of Tufted Duck was noted at Kilbogget Park, Co. Dublin © Niall T. Keogh

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