
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Best find on patch?

I thought I would add a bit of colour to the blog, albeit through a very poor photo of my best find on my patch at Hemsby. What's your best find been on patch? Let us know and if you have a (better) photo we will post them on here.

Ortolan bunting - south Winteron Dunes or north end of my patch as I prefer to call it. 


  1. Best find at Galley prob Black headed bunting, as it was a world tick at the time, and only seen one since...

  2. not that it was a prob black headed bunting you understand! It was accepted and everyting - 11th Irish I tink!

  3. Red-rumped Swallow this autumn was 25 seconds of pure joy. In the last three years have had three Red-necked Phalaropes, a Barred Warbler, a Yellow-browed Warbler. However, I haven't seen Blue, Great or Coal Tit, Yellowhammer, etc etc. Bit different here on Orkney.

  4. For rarity it Great Spotted Cuckoo, but for excitement and disbelief it was a Dartford Warbler. (not exactly regular in Merseyside)

  5. Probably Pallid Harrier whilst I was leaving the house to go to the shop. Chestnut-eared Bunting was a bit of a nightmare and I'd rather not talk about it...
