
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

How to get the most out of your scoring spreadsheet

Follow this link to get your hands on the Patchwork Challenge official scoring spreadsheet! If that doesn't work there are details at the bottom of this post....

You'll need your own version of this so when it is open, click file and select download...and save it somewhere!

The spreadsheet is dead easy to use. When January 1st comes, all you need to do is enter the birds you see in the 'Spp" column, as and when you see them, along with the date. The spreadsheet will add the values for each species. When you are lucky enough to find a species worth three points or more, put an 'F' in the find column.

The magical spreadsheet will then calculate the number of species you've seen and the number of points you've accumulated. Beware that the spreadsheet gets a little lippy when you enter something incorrectly spelled...there is a 'list' tab where you can look things up if needs be....but dont alter anything on the list page as you will mess up the innards of the spreadsheet and that will make our secret spreadsheet guru very upset ( although if you just downloaded it again he would never know....).

As you enter your list, you'll see your points and total growing in the box to the right of the columns (at the top of the spreadsheet). Once it's downloaded and saved, have a little play around to get the hang of things....anything you put in now can be deleted before January 1st.

For those of you with previous years'll need a comparative score to 'play against' You can copy the spreadsheet as many times as you like, and put past years lists in it (remembering to fill in the find column, but dont worry about the dates...that wont matter). If you only have a score for this year thats fine, but if you have scores going back even further take an average of the last 2 years for your comparative score.

So there you have it. Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, and filled out the housekeeping spreadsheet, you are ready to patch! Go for it!


  1. just testing the spreadsheet and being massively optimistic i entered Baillon's Crake. It doesn't like it...

    1. Hi James, did you try the drop down menu and select it from there?

    2. It wasn't crazy about Worm-eating Warbler either... ;o)

  2. Only 5 measily points for a Moussier's Redstart? I want my money back!!

  3. but if you had got up off your arse and found it yourelf, rather than relying on 'old spoons' it would be worth 10!

  4. Ignore/delete my last comment - I've found it. However, what happens if I see a 'Feral Pigeon' in my patch (which I have done in the past) mixed in with real Rock Doves. Do I get an extra point?!

  5. I'm afraid their the same species so only one point for both, at least you'll have a real rock dove unlike most of us!

  6. Lads. Everytiem I try to opening the spreadsheet I get this warning:

    This site is blocked
    The content on this site violates the acceptable usage policy.
    An unacceptable security risk is posed by this site.
    McAfee Content Category: Personal Network Storage
    McAfee Security Rating: Green

  7. HI Phil, not sure whats happening there. I will email you a copy and see if that works, can you email us on and we will get it to you


  8. I've just been looking through the List tab of the spreadsheet and apart from having a chuckle at the score for seeing a Great Auk I have noted that Red Grouse has a ? rather than a score!!

    Is this a typo or is there a reason for this?

  9. A couple of questions guys
    1. where do I send my map to?
    2. are you checking the area sizes, some despicable dude might grab a few extra square metres? it could be crucial

  10. If you email it to us at that would be great. We are trusting everyone with the patch size, unless it looks way to big, I'm sure no one will cheat :-)

  11. On the spreadsheet Red Grouse show a question mark for score.
    I am using Open office.

    1. Hi, it is a typo I'm afraid, it should be 2pts. You should hopefully be able to change it on the scoresheet.

  12. I think I'm being thick, but when I open the link in my browser it does not let me edit it, and if I try and download it it only saves as a web document.

  13. If you download it, it will prompt you to open or save. Open it and then save it and it should work. If not email us and we will email you a copy.

