
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Pounds for cuckoos - May total - 262!

Thanks to everyone for helping us keep this up to date! As you can see, we are heading nicely toward a decent sum for the BTO's Out of Africa appeal, with one pound being very kindly donated by Meopta and Forest Optic for each species seen. 

We're pretty confident we'll reach 300 species/pounds for this and by the end of May we have reached 262 species! Only 38 to go to reach the target. Any takers on what the 300th bird on the list is going to be?  

Also, of course, if you have seen anything that is not on the list please let us know via a comment, our twitter or an email.

1 American Golden plover
2 arctic skua
3 Arctic Tern
4 Avocet
5 Barn owl
6 Barnacle goose
7 Bar-tailed godwit
8 Bean goose
9 Bearded tit
10 Bewick’s Swan
11 Bittern
12 black guillemot
13 Black Redstart
14 black tern
15 Blackbird
16 blackcap
17 Black-headed Gull
18 Black-necked grebe
19 Black-tailed godwit
20 black-throated diver
21 black-winged stilt
22 Blue Tit
23 Bluethroat
24 Bonaparte’s Gull
25 brambling
26 Brent Goose
27 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
28 Bullfinch
29 buzzard
30 Canada Goose
31 Carrion Crow
32 Caspian gull
33 Cetti’s Warbler
34 Chaffinch
35 Chiffchaff
36 Chough
37 coal tit
38 Collared Dove
39 common crossbill
40 Common Gull
41 common sandpiper
42 Common Scoter
43 Common tern
44 Coot
45 Cormorant
46 corn bunting
47 corncrake
48 Cory’s Shearwater
49 crane
50 Cuckoo
51 Curlew
52 Dartford warbler
53 Dipper
54 dotterel
55 Dunlin
56 Dunnock
57 Egyptian goose
58 Eider
59 ferruginous duck
60 Fieldfare
61 Firecrest
62 Fulmar
63 Gadwall
64 Gannet
65 Garden Warbler
66 Garganey
67 glaucous gull
68 Goldcrest
69 golden eagle
70 Golden Oriole
71 Golden Plover
72 goldeneye
73 Goldfinch
74 Goosander
75 goshawk
76 grasshopper warbler
77 Great Black-backed Gull
78 Great Crested Grebe
79 Great Northern Diver
80 Great Skua
81 Great Spotted woodpecker
82 Great Tit
83 Great White Egret
84 Green sandpiper
85 Green Woodpecker
86 Greenfinch
87 Greenshank
88 Green-winged teal
89 grey heron
90 grey partridge
91 Grey Phalarope
92 Grey Plover
93 grey wagtail
94 Grey-headed Wagtail
95 Greylag Goose
96 Guillemot
97 gyr falcon
98 Hawfinch
99 Hen harrier
100 Herring Gull
101 Hobby
102 Honey Buzzard
103 hooded crow
104 Hoopoe
105 House Martin
106 House Sparrow
107 Iceland Gull
108 Jack Snipe
109 Jackdaw
110 Jay
111 Kestrel
112 kingfisher
113 Kittiwake
114 knot
115 Lapland bunting
116 Lapwing
117 Lesser black-backed Gull
118 Lesser Redpoll
119 Lesser Scaup
120 lesser spotted woodpecker
121 Lesser Whitethroat
122 Linnet
123 Little Auk
124 Little Egret
125 Little Grebe
126 little gull
127 Little owl
128 Little Ringed Plover
129 little tern
130 long-eared owl
131 long-tailed duck
132 Long-tailed Skua
133 Long-tailed Tit
134 Magpie
135 Mallard
136 mandarin duck
137 manx shearwater
138 Marsh harrier
139 Marsh tit
140 Meadow Pipit
141 Mealy redpoll
142 Mediterranean Gull
143 Merlin
144 Mistle Thrush
145 Montagu's harrier
146 Moorhen
147 mute swan
148 nightingale
149 Nightjar
150 nuthatch
151 Osprey
152 Oystercatcher
153 Peregrine
154 Pheasant
155 Pied Flycatcher
156 pied wagtail
157 Pink-footed Goose
158 pintail
159 Pochard
160 pomarine skua
161 puffin
162 purple heron
163 purple sandpiper
164 Raven
165 razorbill
166 red kite
167 Red-backed Shrike
168 Red-breasted Flycatcher
169 Red-breasted merganser
170 Red-legged Partridge
171 red-necked grebe
172 Redshank
173 Redstart
174 Red-throated Diver
175 redwing
176 Reed bunting
177 reed warbler
178 Richard’s Pipit
179 Ring Ouzel
180 ring-billed gull
181 ringed plover
182 ring-necked parakeet
183 Robin
184 Rock Dove / Feral Pigeon
185 rock pipit
186 Rook
187 roseate tern
188 Rosefinch
189 Rough-legged Buzzard
190 Ruff
191 sabine's gull
192 Sand Martin
193 Sanderling
194 sandwich tern
195 Savi's Warbler
196 scaup
197 sedge warbler
198 serin
199 shag
200 Shelduck
201 short-eared owl
202 Short-toed Lark
203 Shoveler
204 Siberian Stonechat
205 Siskin
206 skylark
207 Slavonian Grebe
208 Smew
209 Snipe
210 snow bunting
211 snow goose
212 Song Thrush
213 sooty shearwater
214 sparrowhawk
215 Spoonbill
216 Spotted Flycatcher
217 Spotted redshank
218 Spotted Sandpiper
219 Starling
220 Stock dove
221 Stonechat
222 Stone-curlew
223 Storm Petrel
224 Subalpine Warbler
225 Swallow
226 Swift
227 Tawny Owl
228 Teal
229 Temminck's Stint
230 Thrush Nightingale
231 Tree Pipit
232 Tree sparrow
233 Treecreeper
234 Tufted duck
235 Turnstone
236 turtle dove
237 twite
238 Velvet Scoter
239 water pipit
240 water rail
241 waxwing
242 Wheatear
243 Whimbrel
244 Whinchat
245 White-billed diver
246 White-fronted goose
247 white-tailed eagle
248 Whitethroat
249 Whooper Swan
250 Wigeon
251 willow tit
252 Willow Warbler
253 Wood Sandpiper
254 wood warbler
255 Woodchat Shrike
256 Woodcock
257 Woodlark
258 Woodpigeon
259 Wren
260 Yellow Wagtail
261 Yellowhammer
262 Yellow-legged gull


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