
Saturday, 8 March 2014

Patch - BTO Cuckoo Update

We haven't had an update on here about Patch for a while as he has been spending his winter in DR Congo. Since we last updated in late October Patch wintered near the shores of Lake Mai until the 26th December. This was where we left patch last time out in an area of closed canopy rainforest within one of the largest designated sites in the world. By late December the sap must have been starting to rise as he moved 75km to the NW after two months in the same area.

Patch moved quickly from DR Congo to Congo in January with a movement of 304km on the 14th which was then reinforced with a further movement into Gabon on the 18th. In February Patch moved back through Congo and into Cameroon, making his first serious excursion north of his wintering area arriving to the east of the Boumba Bek National Park on the 24th February. He was still close to this location on the 6th March but some serious movement must be coming soon as the other Cuckoos start to head north.

We continue to support the BTO with their House Martin Project and remind you that we will be making a donation, kindly provided by Bresser & Forest Optic for 2014 equivalent in pounds to the combined number of species seen by contestants. At present we are at 189 species but this seems to have ground to a halt so a gentle nudge for people to log onto Bubo as Patchwork Challenge, password Patching (capital P as I just found out...) and enter species to the year list (and also the life list if required).

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