
Monday, 11 August 2014

Patchwork Challenge at the Bird Fair!

The one week countdown starts here!

The iconic bird fair is just one week away, and this year the Patchwork Challenge team will be in there to encourage a host of new faces to enter the 2015 competition, and to meet some of our 2014 competitors.

Our friends at Marchwood UK (Bresser and Forest Optics) have kindly welcomed the Patchwork Challenge Team to adopt a part of their stand for the full weekend. Make sure you go along and meet the team. James Spencer and Ryan Irvine will be handing out flyers, selling badges and being the social butterflies (or should that be plovers?) that they are, spreading the Patchwork word to all comers.

In addition, take advantage of the shared stand and try out a few of the optics and accessories on show. There will be plenty to try out, including this year best find prize. If you are already on the best find shortlist, or are hopeful for the autumn, then come and try them out and see whether you and the binoculars are a perfect fit! One thing is for sure the stand will have something for everyone.

So if you are already in the challenge, come and say hello and have a chat. There are plenty of new developments on the horizon for next years challenge, new systems and website are set to be unleashed. Feel free to share your PWC thoughts and experiences.

If you know people who should be in the competition, spread the word that PWC is coming to Rutland!

And if you are new to Patchwork Challenge find out about us and join in for 2015!

You can find us at stand 36/37 in marquee 5. You can also follow us on Twitter (@Patchbirding) for updates during the day.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Patchwork Challenge Team

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