
Friday, 16 January 2015

Wales Minileague - December

The islands dominate the league as they have done all year, and it is Steve Stansfield who takes the Welsh title for 2014. Steve will be putting a post of his year on the blog later this month. It was a close run race for a while, but Ben paid for his absences from the island at key time and Steve has ended up clear with a very impressive 340 points.

Ben remains in second place with Jason Moss on Skomer filling the top 3. Next year there will be an islands minileague, so they will be up against some other big hitters. That will leave those on mainland Wales to battle it out. From the non-island sites in Wales, Burry Inlet and Newport Wetlands came in on level points just shy of the 200 point mark. Barry Stewart and Matt Meehan will have to settle the scores in 2015.

December saw a few points added for winter specialists. Little Auk was added at Bardsey whilst a Glaucous Gull was a nice white-winged addition for Paul Parsons at Parc Slip.

A number of people put through more than 1000 records to BirdTrack in the year, with Zac Hinchcliffe putting in an impressive 13,223 records and 714 full lists. Great dedication for Zac which was rewarded with the NGB Most Valueable Player Awards for 2014. For those not currently using BirdTrack, it is very easy to use and really adds to your birding experience.

In the comparative league, Alison at LlanfairTH comes in tops with 127%, leading from Ben Porter at Bardsey and Henry Cook on the Little Orme. An impressive 5 patchers hit the 100% mark, so congratulations for all. 2015 is underway so quite a number of patchers now have a comparative to go at. That 100% marker is one of the key milestones for any contestant in PWC.

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