
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Patches win Prizes

So the big question that remains is what are the prizes for Patchwork Challenge 2015. Here we can reveal most of them.

Firstly Bresser and Forest Optics continue to support the competition and will be renewing their sponsorship for 2015. This means they will providing a prize for the best find which at present is tbc and also sponsoring the Bubo combined species list which this year will be supporting the BTO's Long-eared Owl project with details to follow.

Over the last two years we have supported the Cuckoo tracking and House Martin Tracking projects and have enjoyed following these especially the dearly departed Patch's migration to Africa and almost back. The BTO have also got a goodie bag and a nest monitoring field guide for the winner of the Birdtrack Birdrace.

Birdguides are our second major sponsor and they continue to support the competition with regular articles and updates on their website and also Bird News Extra subscriptions for the leading Comparative, Non-comparative, Inland and Points per bird scores.

The Sound Approach are continuing to sponsor the Green Minileague - now known as The Green Minileague sponsored by The Sound Approach, We have to get these corporate names correct! The prize is as yet unannounced but rest assured it will be a goody. 

We are delighted to announce that British Birds are continuing their support of the Next Generation Birders Minileague and the winner of the Cameron Bespolka Prize receives a years subscription to the journal.

Steve Stansfield and Bardsey Bird Observatory continue to sponsor the NGB MVP for the birder Under 25 who contributes the most to the competition through a combination of dedication to the patch, interaction with the competition, good finds, usage of birdtrack and all the other intangibles that are less obvious. We will draw up a shortlist for Steve to judge on at the end of 2015.

Natural History Bookstore are continuing their support of the Comparative Score minileague which is now the NHBS Comparative Score Minileague. The winner recieves a £50 voucher and much kudos as this is the most important of the competitions in our eyes.

We are also delighted to announce our continued association with Birding Frontiers who have offered a prize or two to the competition dependent upon what goes to press. We will firm these up as the competition progresses.

Thanks to all our sponsors - without your continuing support the competition really would be lessened and we are delighted to be associated with such pillars of the birding and natural history community.

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