
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Islands - August 2015

Bryan Rains managed to overcome a computer glitch and find 11 species down the back of the sofa... The Black-tailed Godwit this month also helped him climb to top spot in the comparative minileague and 5% clear of Alastair Forsyth who has climbed into second and cleared the 100% barrier thanks to an Orkney record count of 666 Swifts plus some actual point scorers in Little Stint, Iceland Gull and Curlew Sandpiper. Congratulations to both. David Wood mentioned at the bird fair that not being on patch this month might hinder him and so it proves as he slips from the top to third and with Ian T breathing down his neck it may all change by the end of September.

Magpie at Askernish - Ian T

John Bowler maintains his place on the top of the points tree in the Islands Minileague but added some solid two pointers including his third Spotted Redshank on Tiree. Barrie Hamill added 24 points this month including finding Red-backed Shrike and Icterine Warbler. This jumps Barrie up from fourth into second. Jason Moss missed the deadline so we dont know if he managed to make progress. Aside from the birds already mentioned there is only one that we need mention and it is the ultimate slice of #Patchgold - a Magpie at Askernish for Ian T. This is the first record for South Uist and the second for the Outer Hebrides so a great bird although only a single point (it would have got bonus points had there not been one at Eoropie earlier in the year).

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