
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Islands Minileagues - September 2015

No change for Bryan Rains who remains in first place on the Islands Comparative Minileague table at Mull with 107%. Bolstering his second place score is Alastair Forsyth at Palace, Birsay where five Sooty Shearwaters (but still no Manx!) helped increase his post-milestone score to 104%.

Gains are being made elsewhere on the table with those in third, fourth and fifth place now well in striking distance of their 100% target. 

After his mega patch Magpie back in August, IanT added somewhat more expected but welcome species such as Pied Flycatcher and Turtle Dove to his Askernish list in September plus a #patchgold Whinchat, taking him to third place. David Wood has been knocked down from third to fourth on the Oa (a Pied Fly for him) while Stuart Taylor rises to fifth at Balivanich with a Grey Phalarope and his first ever Kestrel for the patch.

Paul Higson increases his comp score from 76% to 91.9% at Quoyangry where two Pectoral Sandpipers together no doubt made for a classic September patch birding moment.

In the points minileague, John Bowler continues his reign in first place with 8 new species (27 points) and 3 self-found scarcities at Balephuil, Tiree which included Barred Warbler, 5 Yellow-browed Warblers, Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Balearic Shearwater. A fine Baird's Sandpiper remained just off-patch for John. While 282 points is an enviable score, he still has some way to go before his comp score of 343 is reached. 

Jason Moss lands in with an update from Skomer, seeing him take second place and move past 200 points with the following list of mouthwatering patch birds: 2 Wood Sandpipers and Firecrest in August and a busy September which boasted a self-found Spotted Crake, Goshawk, 3 Yellow-browed Warblers, Long-tailed Skua and 2 Balearic Shearwaters as well as a sweep of Blue, Great and Coal Tits (island megas).

Barrie Hamill moves down to third place at Burray but joins the Yellow-browed Warbler fanclub with one there during September. How many island patches will host this fantastic Sibe by the end of the autumn? Most of them with any luck!

Island contestants are now poised for what can be the most exciting month of the year. Between viz-mig and the chance of a mega, we look forward to seeing what the October installment of the islands minileague blog posts has in store.

Barred Warbler, Long-eared Owl and Yellow-browed Warbler at Balephuil, Tiree © John Bowler

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