Nothing new for Paul Freestone but he managed to hang on to top spot in the Coastal South comparative minileague despite a very strong finish from Amy Robjohns. Paul finished on 132% thanks to a December Jack Snipe whilst Amy added 9% to finish on 130%. Amy managed bonus points for finding a Siberian Chiffchaff and also saw the trio of Penduline Tits which arrived at Titchfield late in the month. Andy Rhodes added 3% and dropped a place into third despite an outstanding year where he scored 127%. His perserverance paid off with last gasp Shag and Kittiwake. Roger Musgrove was the seventh and final 100%er in the Coastal South minileague.
Joe Stockwell debuted a new patch for 2015 working the Weymouth reserves and Ferrybridge in Dorset. He finished the year just one point short of 300 and beat local rival Sean Foote by 19 points. Joe added Scaup and Grey Phalarope and briefly thought the phalarope took him over the triple century mark but alas its a two pointer. Sean added just a single point but it was his first patch record of Pheasant! Kev Rylands finished off a relatively poor year at Dawlish Warren with two points which gave him a five point cushion over Paul Bowerman at Severn Beach.
Amy Robjohns' trio of Penduline Tits at Tichfield Haven |
On Guernsey there was a Short-eared Owl for our logo-man himself, Mark Lawlor. Worse for him was the Little Swift which was present on the 31st December just off patch and there is a rather fine photo he took of the bird with his patch in the background. So close. Ilya Maclean managed to find a Siberian Chiffchaff in his garden to ensure a good end to his debut year. Peter Hazelwood got a full fat patch tick with a Marsh Harrier at Oldbury Power Station. Despite Kev Rylands only adding Jack Snipe in December it certainly wasnt a quiet month with Slav grebe, Siberian Chiffchaff, Bonaparte's Gull and Yellow-browed Warbler also featuring scorelessly. Andy Johnson managed to beat his 2014 score but also accrued his lowest ever number of patch species so a mixed year although a late Iceland Gull provided a highlight.
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