Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The South Coast - a quiet start

The south coast mini league has many a good site entered, not least Sandy Point NR where Andy has managed to post a healthy points lead, althhough with less than half the patches submitting scores this could change next month. Ian and Adam are battling it out for 2nd at two classic Kentish coastal areas while the rest aren't too far behind with the Channel Isles propping up the league!

South Coast
Position Name Patch Species Points %
1 Andy Johnson Sandy Point 86 106 41.16505
2 Ian Roberts Samphire Hoe 68 83 40.8867
3 Adam Faiers Sandwich Bay 74 82 N/A
4 Cameron Bespolka St.Catherines hill, winchester 76 78 N/A
5 Liam Curson Cuckmere Haven and Splash Point 70 75 47.16981
6 Chris Powell Chartham 68 72 52.17391
7 Joost Brandsma Hythe 67 71 N/A
8 Mark Lawlor Pulias Headland 46 52 40
9 Andy Appleton Haysden 0 0 N/A
10 Ashley Howe Needs Ore NR 0 0 N/A
11 Barry H Foreness point 0 0 N/A
12 Craig Sammels Pegwell Bay 0 0 N/A
13 Dave Boddington Sheepcote valley to Brighton marina 0 0 N/A
14 Jacob Everitt Arlington Reservoir 0 0 N/A
15 Jim waterman Hamble Point 0 0 N/A
16 Michael Booker Black Ditch/Poling 0 0 N/A
17 Tony Beckett   0 0 N/A

The comparative league is quite small, 5 patches and its pretty even so far with only 12% seperating the whole league. Chris and Liam are taking advantage of teh comparative scoring system and leaping ahead of both Andy and Ian, although I'm sure there will be many changes over the year, maybe!

South Coast
Position Name Patch Species Points %
1 Chris Powell Chartham 68 72 52.17391
2 Liam Curson Cuckmere Haven and Splash Point 70 75 47.16981
3 Andy Johnson Sandy Point 86 106 41.16505
4 Ian Roberts Samphire Hoe 68 83 40.8867
5 Mark Lawlor Pulias Headland 46 52 40

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