
Friday, 31 January 2014

PWC 2014 prizes - the Cameron Bespolka prize

We are delighted to be able to announce the selection of prizes that are on offer for the winners of the various leagues, all of which are available through the very kind donations from the good people mentioned below. Don't thank us, thank them!

First up, the winner of the NGB league will receive the Cameron Bespolka prize - which for 2014's winner will be a years subscription to British Birds magazine, kindly donated of course by British Birds themselves. Here at PWC we feel that a subscription to BB is an absolute essential for any young birder, and it is fitting that the prize donated by BB, who give grants to young birders to visit bird observatories and/or obtain ringing training, should go to a young birder. NGB themselves may also be able to offer additional prizes here - watch this space - who wouldn't want a Jonnie Fisk original?!

 Also worthy of mention here is the Cameron Bespolka Trust. The trust aims to raise money to help young birders gain experience and develop their hobby (much like the BB grants) with a focus on helping those young birders less able to travel due to financial constraints.

If either of these schemes help mould the career of a future conservationist then I'm sure they'll consider themselves to be successful. And if you are young, or remember being young once, I'm sure you'll consider them worth donating to.

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