
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

PWC in numbers

Us birders like to keep tabs on the numbers, so here are a few of ours...

314 - the number of species in 2013 - 315 species on our total cumulative list (the additional species is short-toed treecreeper, on a Guernsey patch!).

3044 - the number of km in 7 days - Patch the cuckoo's journey across the Sahara.

1823 - the number of @PatchBirding tweets, and 96,472 - the number of blog hits, since November 2012.

319 - the number of patches signed up for 2014 (and counting!)

30 - the number of patches we anticipated taking part back in late 2012...

8 - the number of PWC self found greenish warblers last August!

7 - the number of emails we sent to Birdforum asking them to reinstate the PWC thread ;-)

37 - the number of individual BB rarities found on UK and Irish patches in 2013.

10,000 - the number of points awarded for finding a great auk on your patch.

3 - the number of times Mark forgot to submit his score at the end of each month...

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