
Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Inland South Minileague - July 2016

Stephanie Brown added just a point in July for Common Sandpiper but it is more than enough to keep her clear at the top of the comparative minileague on 120%. Richard Scantlebury makes no further progress this time out and stays in second and Ian Bennell is also staic in third place although both are over the 100% mark. Tom Stevenson jumps in to fourth spot and is a shade under the magic 100% climbing three places this time.

Brendan Sheils jumps to the top of the minileague having submitted his first score of the year at Trent Manor Farm. He supplants perennial leader, Tom Raven who isn't a million miles off his comparative score although there was no update for July (it seems plenty of inland birders have had a quiet month). And as we know Ian Bennell hasn't updated this time out either so he remains on 148 points, 16 behind our new leader.

Roger Murfitt managed the only bonus points of the month with Great White Egret providing him with a handy 6 points. Other good bits include a patch lifer for Tim Farr at Sutton Bingham in the form of a Black Redstart and similarly a Pied Flyctacher for Adam Bassett whilst not a first was notworthy at Little Marlow. Neil Burt is one of the lucky few to record Turtle Dove this year and in conjunction with Spotted Flycatcher as well. James McCulloch found an Arctic Tern amongst the Commons at Hedgecourt NR and a few people mentioned Med Gulls and Common Sandpipers. Its pretty quiet but not for long. We know there is a Yank Wader in August but who for and how many points?

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