
Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Wales Minileague - July 2016

July brings some movement near the top of the Wales Comparative Minileague table where a Great White Egret found by Julian Hughes at RSPB Conwy was only the second site record and allowed for some bonus points to bump his comp score past the 100% milestone and edge him just ahead of Alison C to take second place.

Great White Egret © Julian Hughes

Trevor Fletcher connected with a #fullfatpatchtick Hobby at Rudry Common and along with getting Crossbill in for the year saw him rise from eight to fourth pace with 96.5%. Well within reach of his target now.

Tony Swann is also doing well, with an eleventh to eight place move at Brynna Woods where some serious #patchgold came in the form of a Mute Swan (first for the site) as well as flyover Black-headed Gulls on passage. 

The Teifi duo of Richard Dobbins and Wendy James are back in first and second place together in the Wales Points Minileague after both connecting with Great White Egret, a difficult species to get in Pembrokeshire. Both are in the 140's in terms of species and Richard is topping the list at 183 points.

Mike Cram may be top of the comp table at Broughton and Llangennith but his second patch at Porthcawl to Rest Bay (which is in its first year of PWC) produced a fine seawatch on 10th July with 1952 Manx Shearwaters in 3 hours along with an Arctic Skua and best of all, a Leach's Storm-petrel to boot! 

A Little Egret was the first patch year tick in 9 weeks for Alastair Flannagan at Swansea Vale to Fendrod Lake, a Redstart was the first on site in two years at Comeston, Sully and Lavernock for Ceri Jones and a Sandwich Tern at Cardiff Bay was the only notable sighting for Peter Howlett who is currently riding out a quiet spell at his patch. Hopefully August will bring the goods for the hard working patchers here! 

The contribution to BirdTrack in the Wales Minileague has now surpassed 2,100 complete lists and 47,000 records!

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