
Thursday, 14 February 2013

And the Overall Leader is........................

.........Minsmere, followed by a north Norfolk patch! It's not all Eat Anglia though as the top ten is represented by the SW, Ireland and an inland patch.

Overall League - the top 10 (pts)
Position Name Patch Species Points %
1 Jonathan Gibbs Minsmere 108 131 42.53247
2= Simon C Cromer/Felbrigg 110 128 49.80545
2= Kev Rylands Dawlish Warren 102 128 53.22245
4 Rob W Ness Point to Carlton Marshes 103 123 N/A
5 Marcus L Swineham GPs 102 119 N/A
6 Owen Foley Ballycotton 92 117 49.6
7 Richard Stace Holbrook 103 115 N/A
8 David Elliott Druridge 98 113 46.88797
9 Dave Suddaby Blacksod 86 111 51.38889
10 Gavin Haig Seaton 92 108 N/A

The comparative scores are a lot more mixed though, with London well represented at holding top spot, the SW and inland Scotland all well represented.

Overall League - the top 10 (%s)
Position Name Patch Species Points %
1 Graham Howie Walthamstow/Leyton/Hackney 50 50 89.28571
2 Dan Chaney Falmouth 81 98 76.5625
3 Jason R East Hyde 65 68 75.55556
4 Alison Allen Thorpe-next-Haddiscoe 78 91 74.59016
5 Alan Kydd Froggat and Calver 39 41 71.92982
6 Roger Musgrove Wall Common 71 79 71.81818
7 Sean Morris Kinloch 46 58 70.73171
8 Chris Pendlebury Dunblane area 73 76 69.72477
9 Alastair Irvine Whiteford 59 62 68.88889
10 Gary White Trimingham/North Walsham 84 94 68.11594

Congrats to Jonathon and Graham for their fantastic start to the year!


  1. Its quality not quantity that counts !!!

    Can anyone beat a "score" of 1.36619718 points per species ??

    Competitive ? Moi ??



    1. I think you are in 2nd place Paul!

      1st: Ian T 1.396 pts
      2nd: Paul H 1.366 pts
      3rd: Alastair F 1.314 pts
      4th: Gary B 1.313 pts
      5th: Dave S 1.290 pts

      That was a quick look so may be wrong but a table dominated by the Celts!
