
Sunday, 21 April 2013

More on rare subspecies

Our decision to include some point scoring rare subspecies seems to have been largely welcomed! But, there were a few teething problems and unanswered questions, so hopefully this blogpost will go some way to clearing them up.

Lots of people have asked about white wagtails and littoralis rock pipits. The aim was really to reward people for recording something a little more out of the ordinary, not just extra points for every different subspecies  - and between us we both deemed the two forms mentioned above to be a little too predictable and common. Imagine dishing out points for all the argentatus herring gulls, abietinus chiffchaffs, or all the different subspecies of, at the time of writing, the list of point scoring subspecies remains as it is in the original blogpost.

Another point that was made was regarding the scoring of double points for a two point siberian chiffchaff. A few of you pointed out that it was a little inconsistent to say the least that this was the only two pointer to have a bonus attached - good point well made! We accept that this is a bit of an oversight on our part, but we're reluctant to change anything else just in case the message doesn't get through to everyone. So, unfortunately, thats one that we'll all have to put up with for 2013...

There have been some other interesting selections - such as nordic jackdaw, which will be fully considered for PWC 2014 - but for this year, the list will stay as is. Thanks for all the feedback!

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