
Friday, 20 January 2017

Islands Minileague - December 2016

December brought no new additions for Steve Minton at Scatness but his second Kumlien's Gull of the year was a welcome sight among good numbers of large gulls present there along with a few white-wingers. While Steve's score remained unchanged, his first place position on the Islands Comparative Minileague table was safe due to a hefty lead of 18%! 

Bonus points from a Lesser Scaup find at Palace allowed Alastair Forsyth to make a jump from seventh to second place on the comp table, where he finished up with 122%, knocking Steve Stansfield down to third. It ain't over until the fat Aythya sings!

Kumlien's Gull (c) Steve Minton (patch blog)

Lesser Scaup (c) Alastair Forsyth (patch blog)

Despite losing ground on the comparative table, Steve Stansfield remained unchallenged at the top of the points minileague with his impressive 368 points from 186 species seen on Bardsey, the highest species tally in the minileague also resulting in the highest PPB score too, just shy of the magic 2.

Scottish islands dominated the top of the points table save for two Welsh locations making themselves known there. John Bowler, Steve Minton, Jason Moss and Mark Newell all remain in their allotted positions from second to fifth.

Bruce Taylor's first year of PWC from Barra was a good one and the end of the year brought Glaucous Gull and Salvonian Grebe added (from his lounge!) at Brevig. Looking forward to seeing his contribution to the comparative minileague during #PWC2017.

The final month of the year also brought an American Wigeon for Russell Neave on Sanday and a Siberian Chiffchaff for John Headon on St Mary's.

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