
Sunday, 27 October 2013

South Coast minileagues

As seems to be the case with many of the minileagues, the same few names dominate both the points league and the comparative league (which makes an awful lot of sense really, doesn't it!). No surprise then that the top three in both south coast leagues are the same, with just a little rejig in the order. In terms of points, Andy Johnson has an insurmountable lead, being over 50 points ahead, with Liam Curson and Ian Roberts occupying the next places, and with reasonable gaps between them, it looks like things might stay that way to the end.

Liam Curson occupies the top spot in the comparative league, and is a long way out in front of Andy, and then Ian. October could bring all sorts of changes though....

While we're here, Andy Johnsons find of a semipalmated plover at Hayling island deserves special mention. A true birders bird and a great find. Unfortunately, it wasn't on patch but I'm sure Andy won't be too bothered about that!

1 comment:

  1. A quick update from Andy to correct a few mistakes in the blog, sorry about that Andy:

    "Actually the semipalmated plover was very much 'on patch'!! Black Point is the specific location name of the high tide wader roost at Sandy Point. Have a look at my annual report (posted previously) where there is a table showing the monthly maxima for the Black Point roost. More on this find to follow!... Andy"
